Voting / Top n choices

Voting question allows users to rank/vote for their preferred choices from the list of choices. You can add a multiple choice grid question and enable both Requires a response in each row & Limit to one response per column option to create a voting question. Here's an example below.

Tony Peter Bruce Selina Natasha Jane

How to create a voting / preferred choices question?

If you want the users to rank the top three preferred choices from the list of choices or cast their vote to elect different office bearers from the list of candidates, you can use the multiple choice grid question type to create a voting or preferred choices question.

For voting question, add the list of candidates in columns & roles to be voted in rows (example below). For preferred choices question, add the list of available choices in columns and preferred choices (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in rows. This is a variation of a ranking question (rank only top 3 or 5 out to 10).

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Multiple choice grid question
  • Add voting items (profiles) in Rows
  • Add choices that your users must choose from in Columns
  • Enable Require a response in each row toggle button as shown below
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Limit to one response per column as shown below
Voting question allows users to rank/vote for their preferred choices from the list of choices. You can add a multiple choice grid question and enable both Requires a response in each row & Limit to one response per column option to create a voting question. Here's an example below.
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