Mail merge for Google Forms Vs Email marketing tools

Use mail merge tools to send personalized emails with unique prefill links to optimize data collection and simplify form filling process for your users.

Mail merge for Google Forms Email marketing tools
Primary purpose Prepopulate and share forms to reduce data entry errors Send personalized promotional campaigns to drive engagement
Key features Create secure prefill links and send personalized email to users Segment users and send targeted promotional campaigns
Use cases Membership forms, intake forms, Feedback forms, consent forms Newsletters, promotional campaigns, transaction emails
Data collection Supports various question types such as likert scale, rating, grid questions, file uploads & more Supports basic question types such text, number, dropdown, checkboxes, multiple choice
Form UI design Fully customizable UI with advanced data validations Simple responsive web form with limited customization
Prefilled forms Prepopulate answers by creating prefill links with exposing data Offers limited support; pass values via URL to prefill forms
List management Easily import data from Google Sheets and apply filters to segment users Create and manage subscriber lists with sophisticated segmentation capabilities
Email design Easy to use WYSIWYG editor to set up email template with mail merge for personalization Offers customizable email templates with drag and drop editor to create visually appealing emails
Email tracking Basic email tracking with form drop-off analytics Advanced analytics to track open, click through and bounce rates
Workflow Custom workflow to manage form submissions Advanced email automation based on customer journeys
Compliance HIPAA, GDPR, Data privacy regulations, CAN-SPAM Act CAN-SPAM Act, GDPR, PDPA, CASL, PECR
Pricing $$ $$$$$
Popular products Formesign for Google Forms; YAMM, Mailmeteor, Mail merge for Google Sheets Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, Sendgrid, Constant contact, Mailerlite