Formesign vs Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a marketing automation tool designed primarily for sending targeted promotional campaigns to increase awareness and drive engagement. These tools provide limited support for signup forms and creating surveys.

Formesign is designed specifically to easily create secure prefill links to populate answers in Google Forms and automatically send personalized emails from your Google Mail. This makes it easier to collect responses and reduce data entry errors.

Features Mailchimp Formesign
Create forms
Supported question types Limited All
Customize form layout Red Close Green Tick
Readonly or hidden fields Red Close Green Tick
Add calculated fields Red Close Green Tick
Response validations Red Close Green Tick
Date validations Red Close Green Tick
Dynamic validations Red Close Green Tick
Conditional branching Red Close Green Tick
Prefilled forms Red Close Green Tick
Customize layout Red Close Green Tick
Customize confirmation message Green Tick Green Tick
Show responses in confirmation message Red Close Green Tick
Redirect on submit Red Close Green Tick
Prefill forms
Pre-populate answers in the form Red Close Green Tick
Create secure prefill links without exposing data in the url Red Close Green Tick
HIPAA compliant prefill links Red Close Green Tick
Share forms
Send emails with form links Green Tick Green Tick
Setup email template with mail merge Green Tick Green Tick
Schedule emails Green Tick Red Close
Advanced automation Green Tick Red Close
A/B test emails Green Tick Manual
Send email with unique prefill links Red Close Green Tick
Send prefilled links from Google Mail Red Close Green Tick
Edit message and send personalized email Red Close Green Tick
Manage customer lists Green Tick Green Tick
Apply filters and create segments Green Tick Green Tick
Track emails Green Tick Green Tick
Manage responses
View responses Green Tick Green Tick
View form submissions in Google Sheets Red Close Green Tick
View partial form responses Red Close Green Tick
Setup abandoned form email template Red Close Green Tick
Send followup emails to form abandon users Red Close Green Tick
Task management Red Close Green Tick
Send confirmations emails Green Tick Green Tick
Receive notification emails Green Tick Green Tick
Send notification emails to your team Red Close Green Tick
Customize subject, message in emails Red Close Green Tick
HIPAA compliance
HIPAA compliant forms Green Tick Green Tick
Mark fields as PHI Red Close Green Tick
Automatically mask PHI in email Red Close Green Tick
Mask PHI in data export Red Close Green Tick