Time & Duration

Time question allows users to enter the time in 12 hr am/pm format. You can also let users enter duration [of an activity] in hours, minutes and seconds.

Time question allows users to enter the time in 12 hr am/pm format. You can also let users enter duration [of an activity] in hours, minutes and seconds.

For example, if you want to conduct a survey to determine the sleep habits, you can ask users about their sleeping schedule using time questions. What time do they usually go to bed? What time do they wake up? How much time after they go to bed do they actually sleep?

How to add a time question?

You can use the time question to capture time in 12hr AM/PM format by following the steps below.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Time question
  • Enable the Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question
Time question allows users to enter the time in 12 hr am/pm format. You can also let users enter duration [of an activity] in hours, minutes and seconds.

How to add a time question to capture duration?

You can use the time question to capture duration by following the steps below.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Time question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Duration
  • Enable the Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question
Time question allows users to enter the time in 12 hr am/pm format. You can also let users enter duration [of an activity] in hours, minutes and seconds.

How can I change the time format to 24 hr (HH:MM) military time?

Google Forms time question offers limited customization. You can either accept time in 12 hr am/pm format or duration in hours, minutes and seconds. However, you can use the short answer question with regular expression validation to accept time in 24 hr HH:MM military time format.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Regular expression > Matches > pattern ^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$ as shown below.
  • Enable the Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question
Time question allows users to enter the time in 12 hr am/pm format. You can also let users enter duration [of an activity] in hours, minutes and seconds.
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