AI for Developing Countries - Speaker Application Form

AI for Developing Countries - Speaker Application Form

Thank you for your interest in applying as a speaker for the AI for Developing Countries Forum. Please kindly note that applying to be a speaker does not automatically register you for the forum itself. If you haven't done so already, YOU STILL NEED TO PRE-REGISTER for the forum, as the application for speaking and forum registration are processed separately. Ensure your participation in this pivotal event by registering at Your engagement and contributions are highly anticipated as we collectively explore the transformative potential of AI in developing nations.

Please note that, in general, we are unable to offer paid speaking opportunities or compensate for travel costs, as having the honor to speak is considered a privilege and is limited by our financial budget

  • Please provide a short bio that includes your professional background, expertise areas, and any relevant achievements.
Please list any previous speaking engagements, including event names and dates.
  • Please provide a brief overview of your proposed presentation, including key points and takeaways for the audience.
Please let us know if there are any specific requirements to facilitate your participation.