AACCOM Registration for 2024-25

Welcome to the AACCOM* (Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan) registration! The AACCOM provides Chinese language and culture classes to students from preschool age children to adults.  It not only provides enriching Chinese learning experiences, but also holds holiday and learning celebrations through contests, food festivals, and performances.

The school will start at Sept. 20(?), 2024. All classes and the school calendar have been posted at https://aaccom.org/.

*aka Ann Arbor Chinese School.

The AACCOM registration form is set up to register one student at a time. If you plan to enroll multiple members from your family, please fill out the forms separately. If you plan to change or withdraw the enrolled classes or meet some tech issues, please contact academic@aaccom.org.

If you have a Chinese name, please fill it here.
If you have a Chinese name, please fill it here.
If the student has a Chinese name, please fill it here.
Please select the American school grade the student will be in for the 2023-24 school year. If the student is an adult, please choose "Adult."

Chinese class to register for will be next.

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