AAS Access Badge/Car Permit Request Form

I request an Identification Badge to access the AAS campus and agree to the following guidelines:

  • All campus visitors are required to wear and display their AAS identification badges at all times while on campus.

  • Visitors will remain in the school’s Community Lounge, located outside of the North and South Cafeterias during normal school hours.

    • Families may enjoy breakfast together in the North Cafeteria until 8:30 am.

    • After 8:30 am, North and South Cafeteria seating will be exclusively reserved for students and staff.

    • Visitors are allowed to access the Penguin Store and PTO Exchange.

    • For events on campus, such as sports, movie nights, student performances, parents will be allowed to access these specific areas 

    • Splash Saturdays and Library access will still be available on scheduled Saturdays.   

  • All campus visitors are required to use Adult restrooms only and avoid those posted “”for Students Only”.

  • Campus visitors are asked not to enter classrooms or other learning spaces, except during drop-off and pick-up of students. Access will be allowed for planned meetings or when invited by educators or administrative staff to participate in specific learning activities.

  • Drivers and nannies must leave immediately after drop-off in the morning; nannies and drivers can pick-up PK - Grade 1 students at their classrooms; only those awaiting siblings can wait in the front lobby.

  • Access to the Administration offices and other areas of the school will be directed by Security who will request an authorized staff member accompany campus visitors at all times on campus.

  • All requests for campus access should be sent to the Division Offices or Administrative staff.  All campus visitors should request their own access.

  • All visitors will be required to sign this “Code of Conduct” at the time of application for their identification badge.

By entering your full name in the signature box below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the AAS  Traffic, Parking and Student Pickup/Drop Off and Badge policy found on the AAS website at https://www.aas.ru/community/safetysecurity

AAS takes your privacy very seriously. Please see our Privacy Policy Statement here; https://www.aas.ru/privacy-policy

If the badge request does not fall into these categories, please contact security.

All requests for New badges will be verified through the appropriate division/department and may require a background check before the badge is issued. If this is for a replacement badge, please provide a statement as to circumstances of the loss or damage of the badge.

Enter the school division; Elementary School (ES), Middle School (MS) or High School (HS) or enter department and position.

This is the name of the person who needs a new badge.

(start with +7 (area code): like +7 903 155 … etc)

Please include full name and grade of your oldest child currently studying in AAS.

Example: Ford, Mercedes, Hyundai, Skoda, etc.

Example: Fiesta, SL550, Sonada, Octavia, etc.