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The Pre-dating Quiz
How do I know I am ready to date?
My life is a journey. I need to take “baby steps” towards self-growth and maturity. So, how can I give myself to someone else if I don't know myself? How can I be in a relationship with someone else if I don't fully understand myself? Instead of succumbing to the pressure of needing to date or of being in a relationship when I am not ready, why not set pre-dating goals for myself? These goals will give me benchmarks to help determine whether or not I am ready to date.
Below is a quiz on six behaviors that are good intentional goals to attain in self-growth. Rate yourself on these points from 1-5. 1 = I am very poor with this behavior. 2 = I am inconsistent with this behavior. 3 = I exhibit this behavior half the time. 4 = I am fairly consistent with this behavior. 5 = This behavior is a habit in my life. The ratings 1-5 will measure your level of self-care: body, heart, mind, and soul. To build a relationship with another person, you must first foster the best in and with yourself. Spend time in self-reflection pondering these six habits, especially those affecting the deeper side of yourself. All of these habits will influence our ability to care for someone else.
(Optional but highly recommended!) We are often our own worst judges, so you may choose to ask a trusted friend (parent, sibling, relative, neighbor, coworker) to rate you on these points to offer you some objectivity. You can both complete this pre-dating quiz separately and then compare your results.
The Pre-dating Quiz
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