Webinar Series Proposal Submission

Aligned with CERIC's priority to collaborate and enhance the learning of career practitioners across Canada, CERIC partners with other organizations in the career development field to offer webinars, which serve as accessible and convenient forms of professional development for our audience. Most of CERIC's webinars are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00 pm ET.


CERIC is a charitable organization that advances education, research and advocacy in career counselling and development. Through funding, partnerships and strategic programs, we make a significant impact in the career development sector nationwide and globally.


CERIC's core audience consists of career development practitioners, employment advisors and career and guidance counsellors from diverse sectors including non-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, independent practices, government agencies and K-12 schools.

Our audience of over 21,500 subscribers also includes educators, researchers and programs developers. To learn more about our audience, please refer to Audience Overview.


Webinars that are good for CERIC meet the following criteria:

  1. Relevance: Submissions should address current challenges, trends or emerging topics in career development that are of interest to our diverse audience (see CERIC Audience Overview).

  2. Canadian Focus: While regional perspectives are welcomed, the content should have a pan-Canadian focus, ensuring its applicability across the country.

  3. Duration: The webinar series should consist of at least two 1-hour-long sessions, allowing sufficient time for a comprehensive exploration of the topic (though most often a series consists of three or four sessions).

  4. Solution-focused: Career practitioners are seeking practical tools and strategies that can be immediately applied in their work. Webinars should offer solutions and practical insights.

  5. Non-promotional: Submissions must provide solid information and ideas while refraining from overtly promoting specific programs, platforms or products.


First, please complete this short form to express your interest in presenting a series of webinars at CERIC and to outline the main topic and learning objectives of your series.

CERIC will then review you proposal and contact you about the next steps. Please note that CERIC reserves the right to decline webinar proposals that do not align with our capacity and learning priorities. Only those whose proposals are selected will be contacted, typically within five weeks of submission.

If selected, you will be asked to complete a longer proposal form with additional details for CERIC to review and provide feedback. If you have any questions before submitting your proposal, feel free to reach out to Cyrielle Filias, Lead Programs, Learning, and Development, at cyrielle@ceric.ca.

We appreciate your understanding and interest in presenting at CERIC.


CERIC has identified areas of interest to help presenters target the content of their webinar proposals. However, CERIC welcomes individuals to submit their proposals even if they do not align with these specific areas. We encourage diverse perspectives and ideas that contribute to the advancement of career development.

Below are the seven high-level themes and their respective areas of interest identified by CERIC. Full descriptions of our areas of interest are also available.

1. Career Development Practices and Theories :

(Application of Research and Career Theories, Effective Career Counselling and Coaching, Empowering Jobseekers, Global Perspectives on Career Development, Trauma-Informed Practice).

2. Career Education and Learning for K-12 and Young Adults :

(Career Education K-12 Students, Career Education Post-Secondary, Experiential/Work-Integrated Learning, Trades & Vocational Education)

3. Career Development Sector Leadership and Advocacy :

(Career Centre Leadership & Management, Career Development Sector Evolution & Advocacy)

4. Indigeneity, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion :

(Indigenous Career Development, Intersectional Service Delivery, Mature Worker Career Development, Rural and Remote Career Development, Social Justice, Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Supporting Clients with Disabilities, Working with Immigrants and Refugees)

5. Innovations and Trends in Career Development :

(AI, New Technology & Tools, Future of Work, Labour Market Information)

6. Specialized Career Supports and Programs :

(Adult Learning and Career Development, Career Development for Youth Outside of School, Employment/Training Programs, Entrepreneurship & Self-employment, Mental Health and Well-being)

7. Workplace, Employers and Employee Careers :

(Employer Engagement, Workforce Development, Workplace, HR and Employee Career Management)

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