Stallholder Expression of Interest Malmsbury Village Fayre 2025

We are delighted to announce the return of the Malmsbury Village Fayre in Autumn 2025.

Date: Sunday April 27th 2025

Time: 10am-3pm

Venue: Malmsbury Botanic Gardens, Malmsbury Victoria 3446

Theme: to be confirmed

Please use the form below to express your interest in having a stall at the Fayre. In 2025, we are planning for up to 80 stalls. We will be giving priority to local stallholders and community groups, and to stallholders with good quality, innovative and sustainable products or services.

**Important:** Please ensure you read the Stall Holder Information carefully before completing this form. This includes site fees and other important information

Please note, we are still welcoming food vendors using marquees. However, sites for food trucks/vans are limited and have already been filled, so please do not send an EOI for food trucks/vans.

If you have any issues completing the form, please email

Please describe your stall.  If you sell multiple products, please list in order of prominence your 4 main items.
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