Cov+Tell Submission Form

Cov+Tell Submission Form

Show us your Covington.

Cov+Tell is a community project aimed at celebrating and gathering feedback about the city we all know and love: Covington. We are collecting stories in the form of photos, short videos, and written submissions from citizens of Covington, Kentucky and using the submissions to create a final project interpreting and showcasing the voices of Covington. The data gathered will be used to inform decisions on community programming, development, and more!

This project is organized by the Kenton County Cooperative Extension Service. For inquiries, please email us at

Note: By submitting this form, you agree to receive occasional email updates about the project, and you agree to allow your photo, video, and/or written content to be shared on our Instagram page (@covandtell), Facebook page (Cov+Tell), and the final showcasing of the project without compensation.