Middlebrook - 8th Grade Photo Request

Hello Middlebrook 8th Grade Families,

The end of the school year is fast approaching!

We are asking for your assistance as we gather 8th grade student photos, past and present, for digital and print presentations at the end of the year Farewell Dance and Soaring Ahead Ceremony. Please attach photos by Friday, May 5th. We will make our best effort to include anything after that date.

Kindergarten Photos needed from ALL
-Please attach your childs Kindergarten photo to this form. If your child did not attend K in Wilton, any K photo or photo from 2014 will be fine!

 8th grade Photo - Needed only from those students NOT photographed in the 8th grade yearbook . Please also attach photo to this form.

The committee may need to crop or resize photos for the purposes of printing or adding to presentations, standard image sizes (below) may be helpful.

Your help is much appreciated! If you have any questions please reach out to Samita at samsam03@hotmail.com


  • By default, file upload accepts the following file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, rtf, html, zip, mp3, wma, mpg, flv, avi, 3gp, m4v, mov, mp4, wmv, jpg, jpeg, png, gif.

  • File size up to 1G.

  • 1 file per form

  • File uploads are not supported in Facebook and Instagram in-app browsers.