IP Management Clinic for SMEs

Program to support internationally growing companies in managing and protecting their intangible assets and industrial property rights. The IP Management Clinic initiative aims to prepare companies – SMEs, smallcaps and start-ups with an established business model – by accessing to a coaching program with experts and a comprehensive set of resources and guidance with a view to making the most of their intangibles assets as an integral part of your business strategies.



Select one option.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Select one option.
Select one option.
Select all that apply.
For each category select one option.
Difficulty not stated Routinely captured Found with difficulty Not recorded/accessible N/A
Branded/proprietary sales
New product sales
Unique product sales
New customer sales
Licensing income
R&D tax credits
Efficiency savings
Please note that a disclosure of confidential information is not requested.

We request the upload of your company's IPCTN22 (Inquérito ao Potencial Científico e Tecnológico Nacional). If you do not have a copy of the questionnaire submitted on the DGEEC platform you can request one, through the email address ipctne@dgeec.mec.pt.

COTEC Portugal collects and processes the data provided for the application for the IP Management Clinic. The data provided is not shared with third parties and is kept for the period necessary for the indicated purpose, until you express your desire otherwise. For this purpose, we ask you to indicate that you accept that COTEC collects and processes the data provided for the indicated purposes. You may at any time request access, rectification or deletion of your data by contacting COTEC Portugal at the following address: claudia.gouveia@cotec.pt.