We are on a mission to elevate the voices of Black and brown birthing folks and would love for you to be a part of the transformative process.
Irth is a Black-led non-profit, independent, community-centered tool built by people of color for people of color. We are looking for moms and dads to support the initiative of collecting reviews by moms/birthing people, dads, and doulas/hospital-based midwives for a full perspective on perinatal care.
Must be a part-time or full-time at-home parent.
Must demonstrate community engagement skills and a special interest in birth equity.
As a MOMbassador your responsibilities will be the following:
Provide a 3-month commitment: Starting ASAP.
Meet monthly review goals
Attend virtual monthly check-ins, calls, or meet-ups to be organized by Irth. These check-ins provide the MOMbassadors with a few moments to talk about their experiences in obtaining reviews and to decompress.
Obtaining Completed Reviews
Assist with the completion of at least 10 reviews per month. These reviews are typically captured at places frequently traveled by parents, warm networks, social media, or community events.
Leave your own review of your births within the past two years.
Assist parents with review completion over the phone or in person.
Monthly stipend.
Invoice to be submitted on the last day of each month.
If you have any questions, please contact Lade Ehikhamenor: