Application Kectil's Site

Assignment 2: Good Governance

Details for Assignment Submissions

Details for Assignment Submissions

Complete your responses in Microsoft Office Word or PDF format and clearly indicate your name and country on top of the document and document name.

All responses must be your original thoughts.

If you use content from another source, you must say where you got it from and give attribution to that person or cite. You must apply the necessary citation. The Kectil Program has software that checks for plagiarism.

Finally, this is meant to shape you into the leader you wanted to be. Give it as much time as you can.
Your assignment submission is due Sunday, May 21, 2022 at 11:59pm EST, 23:59EST
Leaders meet their deadlines. We expect the Kectil Colleagues to meet their deadlines and submit their assignments in time. If you need an extension for good cause, you must ask your Regional Coordinator for an extension and explain the reason BEFORE the deadline. If you miss the deadline and don’t do the assignment, the repercussions are that (i) your Colleagues will not get the benefit of your views, (ii) you will not get the benefit of expanding your mind and knowledge by completing your work or on time; and (iii) the submission will not count toward your year-end level of Certificate

Assignment 1: Leadership

Details for Assignment Submissions

Name documents with following format. COUNTRY_FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME

All questions are mandatory except for Task 2.3, where you are asked to choose one.
Complete your responses in Microsoft Office Word or PDF format and clearly indicate your name and country on top of the document and document name.
All responses must be your original thoughts.
If you use content from another source, you must say where you got it from and give attribution to that person or cite. You must apply the necessary citation. The Kectil Program has software that checks for plagiarism.
Finally, this is meant to shape you into the leader you wanted to be. Give it as much time as you can.
Your assignment submission is due Monday, March 28, 2022 at 11:59 EST
Please submit your assignment here.
Leaders meet their deadlines. We expect the Kectil Colleagues to meet their deadlines and submit their assignments in time. If you need an extension for good cause, you must ask your Regional Coordinator for an extension and explain the reason BEFORE the deadline. If you miss the deadline and don’t do the assignment, the repercussions are that (i) your Colleagues will not get the benefit of your views, (ii) you will not get the benefit of expanding your mind and knowledge by completing your work or on time; and (iii) the submission will not count toward your year-end level of Certificate.

Assignment 3: Entrepreneurship

Details for Assignment Submissions

Complete your responses in Microsoft Office Word or PDF format and clearly indicate your name and country on top of the document and document name.

All responses must be your original thoughts.

If you use content from another source, you must say where you got it from and give attribution to that person or cite. You must apply the necessary citation. The Kectil Program has software that checks for plagiarism.

Finally, this is meant to shape you into the leader you wanted to be. Give it as much time as you can.
Your assignment submission is due Thursday, July 7th, 2022 at 11:59pm EST, 23:59EST

Leaders meet their deadlines. We expect the Kectil Colleagues to meet their deadlines and submit their assignments in time. If you need an extension for good cause, you must ask your Regional Coordinator for an extension and explain the reason BEFORE the deadline. If you miss the deadline and don’t do the assignment, the repercussions are that (i) your Colleagues will not get the benefit of your views, (ii) you will not get the benefit of expanding your mind and knowledge by completing your work or on time; and (iii) the submission will not count toward your year-end level of Certificate

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Section 1: Personal Information

2024 Kectil Application

by Application Kectil on Sat Jan 13 2024