Dade County Soccer School - Registration Form Fall 2024

Dade County Soccer School - Registration Form Fall 2024

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with all participants and help them elevate their soccer skills. Our soccer school is designed to be inclusive, fun, and beneficial for everyone, regardless of their current skill level.

To ensure we provide the best possible camp experience, please fill out the form below with your information.

For those individuals under the age of eighteen (18) years (minor)

As the parent and natural guardian or legal guardian of the participant, I hereby agree to the foregoing Registration Form and Accept for, and on behalf of, the participant (player/minor) named above. I hereby bind myself, the minor, and all other assigns to the terms and conditions of the Summer Camp. I represent and certify that I have the legal capacity and the authority to act for, and on behalf of, the minor in the execution of this Registration Form.

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