Please register for the Weston 2023 Chinese New Year Party at Weston High School. Except some guests, you have to be Weston residents or own a property in Weston to be eligible to attend the party.
时间 Time: 02/04/2023 4:00 - 9:00 pm
地点 Location: Weston高中 (Weston High School), 444 Wellesley St, Weston, MA 02493
4:00 - 5:15 pm - 注册,儿童游戏,魔术表演 Registration, Games, Magician Show
5:15 - 6:45 pm - 晚餐 Dinner
7:00 - 9:00 pm - 文艺演出 Performance Show
支付 Payment(请在提交前支付或记下支付方式)
PayPal: westonwestar
Zelle: westonwestarcorp@gmail.com
Please add memo with the payment, in the format of name+phone number+ticket info, like "Tom Lee+6171234567+2adults2kids”
支票支付 By Check:
支票抬头 Payable to:Westar Corp.
请送到地址 Please deliver the check to: 241 North ave, Weston, MA, 02493
联系人电话 Phone number: 508-395-6767
支票备注: 购票人姓名+购票信息
Please add memo to the check, in the format of name+phone number+ticket info, like "Tom Lee+6171234567+2adults2kids”
Please make sure to add the memo with your payment so that we can verify it with your registration. Payments without memo might cause your registration to become invalid.
Please pay via PayPal, Zelle or by check 3 days within the registration. Please make sure we receive the payment before 1/31, otherwise your registered spots will not be preserved.
Please try again if you see the following message, or send an email to westarweston@gmail.com to report the issue.
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